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Archives for Category: Volunteering at Holy Name of Jesus


March 11, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Scholarship Fund Holy Name of Jesus School, Visitors, Volunteering at Holy Name of Jesus

Is it “Thank God It’s Friday” or “Only Two More Days Till Monday” Either way its Give-it-away-Friday. DONATE>VOLUNTEER>TAKE A TOUR

Thank You to Our USC Tutors

February 19, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Volunteering at Holy Name of Jesus
Thank You to Our USC Tutors

…and thank you to all our volunteers

Brad Jamison 30 Days of Service Holy Name of Jesus School Mini Kitchen

June 7, 2012 by Principal | Posted In: Volunteering at Holy Name of Jesus
Brad Jamison 30 Days of Service Holy Name of Jesus School Mini Kitchen

Brad Jamison, an entertainment industry philanthropic professional who has helped raise millions of dollars for Los Angeles area causes, has also had the privilege of contributing millions more to worthy organizations like Holy Name of Jesus School. This past month, Brad visited Holy Name of Jesus School Mini Kitchen to contribute service to our local… read more »

Alum Comes Home to Holy Name

May 31, 2012 by Principal | Posted In: Volunteering at Holy Name of Jesus
Alum Comes Home to Holy Name

Holy Name of Jesus School alum Patrick Jablonski, a sophomore at University of Iowa at Oskaloosa, majoring in Psychology, has returned to Holy Name of Jesus School to volunteer during summer vacation. This is more than a homecoming. Patrick’s family has been a part of the Holy Name of Jesus community for generations, “My grandma,… read more »



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